Implementation of the July 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and the major world powers has created a favorable atmosphere for Iran on the international scene to broaden its shipping lines and marine transportation, Mohammad Saeedi said, referring to the Iran Deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
The IRISL office in South Africa was very active in the past, but unfortunately during economic sanctions the Iranian shipping line office in the country was shut down.
The new situation created after implementation of the JCPOA has prepared the ground for expansion of marine transportation and the IRISL fleet, Iran's biggest shipping line, has to ease imports and exports of goods for Iranian businessmen and producers, he said.
Iranian ships see no limit to visit ports across the world, he said.
But regarding some ports in other countries, we prefer to act independently, Managing Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines said.
After implantation of the JCPOA, some 90 percent of the Iranian ships carry Iran's flag, Saeedi said.
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