In its 96th meeting, the WEF examined the countries in regard to tourism destinations. The scrutiny includes travel expenses, infrastructures, public services, transportation, security, etc. and at the end, according to the points gained by each country, the world rankings are presented.
The World Economic Forum is a Swiss nonprofit foundation, established in 1971 as 'European Management Forum' by Klaus Schwab in Davos, as a place for European economic leaders and capitalists.
The body changed its name to “the World Economic Forum” in 1987 and broadened its vision to provide a platform for resolving international conflicts.
The report includes a lot of noteworthy points for tourists planning to have a visit to Iran and also for Iran’s tourism officials.
A report published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) gave Iran a score of 6.7 out of 7 in terms of tourism expenses to rank Iran the first among the 136 countries compared.
According to the WEF report, the daily expense for a foreign tourist in Iran ranges from $ 25 to 600.
Iran was given the first rank for the third straight year.
In addition to the expenses top rank, Iran holds a good place regarding security, with the point of 5.2, equaling that of the US. However, the US has always tried to show that Iran is a dangerous place.
Concerning security, the report puts Iran ahead of many tourist attractors, including Russia, Turkey, and Thailand.