“With regard to Tehran and Tbilisi capabilities to promote cooperation in different realms, implementing joint major plans have been suggested,” said Javad Ghavam Shahidi, the Iranian envoy to Georgia on Tuesday evening in an interview with Georgian media.
“The number of opportunities for cooperation between Iran and Georgia is very high,” he said.
“Regarding the production it can be said that Georgia has productive capacities to play a role in Iran-Europe relations,” Ghavam shahidi added.
“Georgia has more than enough water resources and they are perfect for both drinking and agriculture which Iran lacks the second,” he said.
Georgia, a country at the intersection of Europe and Asia and located in the Caucasus region of Eurasia, neighbors Russia on the north, the Black Sea on the west, and Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia on the south.
Georgia benefits good relations with the European Union (EU) due to its special geographical situation and is willing to join EU.