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Iran achieves major gains in economic indices

International organizations and institutes make inquiries about several different countries' economic situation based on various indices, including innovation, quality of life, trade credit risk, economic freedom, logistics performance, misery, corruptions' perceptions, etc. and according to them it is perceived that Iran has improved in 11 indices out of 13 ones in a period between 2013 to 2016.

In 2016, with the country’s promotion in trade credit risk index, Iran was finally removed from the list of high risk countries.

According to reports, the global innovation index shows that Iran has had an increase of 35 steps in 2016 compared to 2013.

Ease of doing business, as one of the most important factors for the economic growth, has also been improving in Iran and the country’s grade from152 in 2013 improved to 120 in 2016 and this was achieved while the sum of 15 more countries were added to the grading.

According to Heritage Foundation, which annually publishes the fresh grading of the freedom of the worlds’ economics, Iran ranked 155 among 180 countries in 2017 where the country had ranked 171 in 2016 in which we see Iran’s promotion of 16 levels in economic freedom this year.

Misery index, as an index showing the deteriorating economic situation of a country, is simply known to be the sum of the unemployment rate and inflation in economic. This index is an inverted one, meaning that the lower the grade, the more desperate the economic situation. Iran attained the best position of the global misery index in 2016 as compared to 2005.

Regarding the global entrepreneurship and development, Iran’s rank was 99 in 2013; however, according to latest reports, Iran was ranked 85 in 2016.

Quality of life index has been considered as the most primary social purpose of different countries and according to reports, the indexes of the quality of life consist the elements, including people’s purchasing power, security, healthcare, consumer price, etc. and based upon the reports, Iran has ranked 52 with the total points of 108.25 as compared to its previous 66th rank.

The Transparency International published a report regarding the countries' new ranks in anti-corruption surveying of 176 countries.

According to ranking, while the Arab states of the Persian Gulf transparency had a massive fall, Iran had 2 more point improvement to that of its last year and could rank 131st , with the sum of 29 points out of 100, among the 176 countries surveyed in this report which shows 5 levels of Iran’s improvement compared to 2015.

International studies indicate that there is a strong correlation between the property rights and the economic performance in a country and Iran’s position regarding international property right index reached 101st in 2016 which was the best one in the surveyed period.

Iran’s point in international property right index was 4.2 in 2016 which is around 0.1 point lower than that of its in 2013.

According to the latest world happiness report published by the UN, Iran has promoted to 105th rank from its previous 110th. Iran’s position and rating in this realm has continuously been improving since 2013.

E-government index, together with the development patterns in a country, indicates the e-government development situation among the members of the UN. Although Iran’s point regarding e-government index was improved around 3.13 percent in 2016 comparing to that of its 2014, still the point is lower than what it was in 2012.

The World Economic Forum publishes a report annually regarding the countries’ power of competitiveness and according to that, Iran’s rating in global competitiveness index was improved in 2016 which shows its highest efficiency of the past three years; however, has not returned yet to the top rate it had in 2012.

In the end, in this report, 13 international and credible economic indices were surveyed to give a brief description of Iran’s positions and ratings, as well as the awareness towards welfare and institutional changes, from the international points of view between the years 2013 to 2016 which indicates Iran’s international positions improvement in 11 indices and there were only two indices, e-government and the global competitiveness, which Iran’s international level has declined 6 and 8 levels respectively.



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