He said that concerning increase in the imports from Iran 'we are holding dialogue and considering ways for the idea'.
Brossardt made the remarks here in a joint meeting of Tehran’s Chamber of Commerce members with Bavaria’s trade delegation.
'We have a wide range of small and medium companies in Bavaria State, which are able to establish relation with Iranian companies,' he added.
Brossardt went on to say that exchanges between Tehran and Bavaria is not noticeable now, but figures indicate that the volume is increasing following the implementation of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
He added that 'the Germans have long-term viewpoint and think about long-term projects, we are not illusionist ', when a banking system of a country is isolated for 10 years, for sure it will face with problems.
While the European and world banking system were experiencing changes in regulations, Iran’s banking system was far from the developments.
'We are standing by you and to accelerate process of works we will impose pressure on central government,' the official added.
Brossardt said in Bavaria’s delegation there are a number of companies from food industries and automakers.