During the visit, Nakouzi highlighted the importance of bactrian camels in terms of genetics and regretted the fact that the species is gradually vanishing due to change in life style of nomad tribes in recent years.
He also regretted the extensive and vast destruction of natural resources in Iran which he termed as a big problem for the country and said his organization has already introduced a comprehensive plan on water and forest management as well as fighting droughts.
He further stressed the need for providing necessary infra-structures and providing the necessary grounds for promoting cooperation between Iran and FAO.
He said that as the FAO representative in Iran, he is commissioned to offer the uttermost cooperation to Iran to prevent extinction of bactrian camel and cultivate the breed in Iran.
According to a local official, Iran is considered as the focal point of bactrian camel genetics storage spot in the Middle East.
24 bactrian camels are currently kept in the center.
From among 200 bactrian camels existing in Iran, 110 are living in this northwestern province.
Moghan Plains are located at the borderline with the Republic of Azerbaijan.