He made the remarks here in a conference dubbed as 'Introducing trade opportunities in Kenya'.
Referring to old friendly relations between the two countries, Farajvand said that volume of technical and engineering services export to Kenya is $ 20 million, which by support of the government it could reach one billion dollars annually.
He said that businessmen and investors from Fars Province may work in the fields of extra-territorial cultivation, exporting bitumen, construction materials, carpet, moquette and hand-woven carpet.
The ambassador assessed security in Kenya as “ good’, and added that the country considers special facilities for investors, such as guarantee for returns of capital.
He added that the Iranian government to persuade investors should offer motives and Export Guarantee Fund should prepare facilities in this concern.
Farajvand said that one of our needs to expand investment in Kenya is to create a finance line, so our businessmen to be persuaded to export their merchandises to Kenya.
He added that 'we are behind our competitors like China and Turkey, who are participating in investment projects with financiers.
Kenya is in east of Africa and its capital is Nairobi.