and a point close for connection of India with such Central Asian countries as the landlocked country, Afghanistan
Since long time ago, investors and many countries neighboring Indian Ocean have been eying Chabahar: India and Afghanistan have been making a great deal of efforts to be present and launch economic activities in the strategic port.
Attracting Iranian and foreign investors, Chabahar soon turned into hub of trade and goods transit of many countries and played a key role in the expansion of the deprived province of Sistan-Balouchestan and even southeast Iran.
Conclusion of Chabahar deal in Tehran in the presence of the presidents of Iran and Afghanistan, prime minister of India, presence of Iranian president in India over the past days and the talks held on Chabahar port, presence of Chief Executive of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Abdullah Abdullah, and visit of several dignitaries and high-ranking officials to Chabahar indicate importance of the port for regional countries.
Iranian and Indian governments have reached agreement on the expansion of Chabahar's Shahid Beheshti port and several documents for cooperation have even been reached.
Four ships full of wheat, donated to Afghanistan by the Indian government, are offloaded there which is getting transferred to Afghanistan and this indicates beginning of cooperation and strong economic and commercial relationship with Afghanistan, making relations among India, Afghanistan and Iran stronger.
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