The public relations office of Pars Oil and Gas Company quoted Alireza Ebadi on Wednesday as saying one third of the gas produced is sweetened in phases 20 and 21 refineries and the rest is exported to phases 15 and 16 refineries.
'In order to increase the power of gas supply to pipe line network in winter and to optimize the use of received gas, about 18 mcm of phase 21 platform is exported to refineries of phases 15 and 16 through inter-phase pipeline and the rest 9 mcm will be sweetened in phases 20 and 21 and will be injected to pipe line network,' he added.
'Phases 20 and 21, second row of sweetening is expected to be retrieved completely and to be placed in the production line,' he said.
'The second and fourth sweetening rows of phases 20 and 21 of the South Pars field will become ready for gas production after the phase 20 becomes operational,' he added.
Developing phases 20 and 21 aims at producing 50 mcm sweetened and purified gas per day to supply the required gas for home usage, producing 75,000 barrels gas condensates per day, 400 tons sulfur, and producing 1,050,000 tons of liquefied gas and 1 million ethane per year to supply petrochemical industries' need.