The Public Relations Office of the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism quoted Mohsen Zainivand Head of the probing team in Tappeh Aqrab (Aqrab Hill) in Dehloran, Ilam Province, announcing this on Saturday as saying the ancient enclosure consists of two large and small bumps with a distance of less than 10 meters from each other.”
The two Scorpion mounds were first identified by the American archeologist James Neely in 1968 and survey was conducted on it, he added.
Zainivand went on to say that in the Persian calendar year 1384 (2005-2006) the area was registered in the list of National Monuments under numbers 13496 and 13482 under the names Aqrab 1 and 2.
“More attention was paid to Tappeh Aqrab as a key area of Susa II in Dashte Dehloran and its placement in the list of areas exposed to risk, in the second phase of the plan,” he added.
During the survey conducted on the surface of the two mounds a few pieces of clay works from the old and middle rural dwelling periods have been discovered, he noted.
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