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University of Tehran hosts IELTI 8

Distinguished professors from outstanding Iranian universities such as University of Tehran and Allameh Tabataba'i University as well as universities of Mashhad University, Shiraz, Isfahan and Urmia had taken part in the meeting.

The one-day meeting, themed 'Future Directions in Applied Linguistics Research: Local and Global Perspectives', focused on EAP/ESP, literacy criticism, English language curriculum, language policy and planning, teacher training and education, approaches and methods in ELT, language testing and evaluation, new horizons in applied linguistics, discourse analysis and pragmatics, critical discourse analysis and pragmatics, culture and literature in English education, translation studies and language teaching, applied linguistics and language education, CALL/MALL/Technology in language teaching, linguistics/psycholinguistics/sociolinguistics, multimedia and ICT in English education, language learning and acquisition, literature and language teaching and new horizons in applied linguistics.


Translator and editor: Behnaz Hossein Gholipour

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