Home / Culture / UN envoy to attend ozone day ceremony in Iran

UN envoy to attend ozone day ceremony in Iran

International Day for Preservation of Ozone Layer will be celebrated at the 30th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol and The 32nd anniversary of Vienna Convention, Ebrahim Hajizadeh, the National Ozone Unit Project Manager said on Saturday.

'Iran joined the important environmental Convention 28 years ago, two years after Montreal Protocol emerged,' he added.

After the news of Antarctic ozone hole, representatives of 49 countries convened in Vienna, Austria, to agree on global policies for protecting ozone layer and lay grounds for scientific, technical cooperation, which culminated to Vienna Convention.

The necessity of taking more serious measures prompted 46 countries of the world to sign the Montreal Protocol in 1987 that was aimed at preparing a complete list of material compatibility, a timetable for gradual decrease of production and use of ozone-depleting substances.

Pointing to the presence of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Iran Gary Lewis and Iran's Deputy President and head of Department of Environment, Isa Kalantari at the ceremony, Hajizadeh said that a report on Iran's achievements on the protection of ozone layer will be presented.

Montreal Protocol has been one of the most successful international agreements on the environment with highest number of member-states.

Every year, the signatories to the protocol celebrate the International Day for Preservation of Ozone Layer on Sep 16.


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