Caretaker Chancellor of Zabol university Mousa Bohloli said that a 6,000 hectares research complex as well as other agricultural research bases of the university has prepared appropriate ground for cooperation between Zabol University (ZU) and IRESA.
Referring to common climatic peculiarities between Sistan province and Tunisia, joint research in the fields of production methods for different types of olive, grape, wheat, fruits and vegetables are important.
He added that introducing scientific and research capacities of ZU to other world academic institutes and universities as well as development of training and research services and updating special knowledge of researchers through bilateral cooperation are among important achievements of international MoU.
The main axes of the MoU were:
Fulfillment of joint research projects between ZU and IRESA
Participation in seminars and scientific conferences of both countries in order to promote scientific ability level,
Exchanging scientific resources and materials for academic courses,
Offering short time courses for employees and professors,
Exchanging students between the two bodies.