RICHT Public Relations Office quoted head of the plan and in charge of the operation of the archeological team under water Hossein Towfiqian as saying in the one-month plan coastal areas of the Caspian Sea in the vicinity of Gilan Province will be surveyed and archeologically identified for possible remains of the historical ships and ancient trade ports.
The archaeologist stressed that given the maritime navigation between the Iranian ports and the destination ports in the western coasts of the Caspian Sea, which had been a common practice since 500 years ago to date, the possibility of the existence of remains of historical ships in the Iranian coastlines of the Caspian Sea is not beyond expectation.
He further said that given the strategic position of the Caspian Sea in northern Iran, the study of navigation and maritime trade in this largest world lake, will play a significant role in the identification of trade and cultural relationships between the ever-green plains in northern Iran and economic and trade centers in the surrounding area such as the land of the Tsarist Russia.