Nearly 4.5 million Iranian and foreign tourists visited the southern Fars Provice during the past 10 months of the current Iranian calendar year of 1397 (started on March 21, 2018), according to an Iranian tourism official.
'Some 4,425,897 domestic and foreign tourists have paid visit to various cultural and historical places in Fars Province,' Mosayeb Amiri, the General Manager of Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organisation in Fars Province told reporters on Saturday.
The provincial capital Shiraz, some 1000 kilometers south of Tehran, is home to the tombs of Hafez and Sa'di, two of the most revered Iranian poets of all time. Each year, many foreign and Iranian tourists alike flock to their gravestones to cite their poem and commemorate their deaths. Also, the ruins of the ancient Iranian capital Persepolis attracts tourists from all around the world.
The local tourism official added that the province registered 21% increase in number of the visitors who travelled to Fars Province during the New Year holidays (March 21- April 4, 2018) compared to that in 2017.
'Some 1,860,000 tourists visited Fars Province during this year's New Year vacations while last year we saw 1,550,000 tourists,' added Amiri.
He boasted, 'This shows 21% increase.'
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