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Operations underway to determine 5th Millennium BC Cultures in S. west Iran

The Public Relations Office of the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (RICHT) quoted head of the speculation team for the determination and suggestion of the limits of Tol-e Pir in Fars Province Ahmad Sarkhosh as saying Tuesday that in the early stages of this season of exploration, efforts were made to collect aerial photos from the Geography Organization of the armed forces taken of the area under research work in 1343 (1964-65), to evaluate the present condition.

Underlining the importance of Tol-e Pir ground, he said the site is one of the few areas enjoying the Bakun culture in southern regions of Fars Province and central coasts of the Persian Gulf.

Sarkhosh went on to say that protection of the area and broader explorations can provide answers to many archeological questions relating to the expansion of cultures of the fifth millennium BC, especially the Bakun era, in the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf.



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