Speaking to reporters on Saturday, Mehdi Mahmoudi said some 470,000 immigrant students are receiving educational services in Iran and based on an agreement with the Ministry of Health, all the authorized immigrants can put themselves under the coverage of Iran’s Health Insurance.
He said that Iran’s Health Insurance is also rendering special health coverage to migrants living with special diseases.
Islamic Republic of Iran’s policy is to provide support to refugees and immigrants, Mahmoudi said.
He, however, said that Tehran government will not allow unauthorized immigrants to remain in the country.
'Through cooperation with the Police and the judiciary, we will not allow the foreign nationals who illegally crossed into the country to transit into other countries,' the official added.
He, however, noted that most of the unauthorized immigrants are workforce entering the country in certain seasons seeking temporary jobs, most of whom are Afghan citizens and a few others come from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iraq and some other countries.
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