Zia Hashemi, managing director of Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) who was attending Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019 in China, said that some countries outside Asia are not happy with development projects in Asian countries.
They make all efforts, including media propaganda, to impede the development in order to protect their own economic and political goals, he said in his speech on Friday.
The only way to counter the 'destructive efforts', he said, is to form a broad media alliance.
Asia Annual Conference is one of the main joint economic, cultural, and political assemblies among Asian countries and others from around the world.
Full text of Hashemi's speech comes as follows:
Mr. Chairman, dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak today in this meeting.
I will try to give a short speech in a few minutes about the development of media and their new goal in global communication and cooperation in Asia.
I prefer to skip some parts of my speech due to lack of time and focus on social networks.
The rise of social networks in the recent years has caused growing concerns among professional media. Being accessible and audience-friendly, the networks have caused the plurality of news sources in modern world. Today, anybody with a simple electronic instrument is able to become a citizen media.
This at first gave rise to widespread rumors and fake news in society. However, this activity of professional media in this new space (1:30) led to a change in peoples' choice and favorite.
Today, the source of news matters a lot to most people; in other words the influence of professional media is growing again. The media have successfully employed the modern technology and played an effective and complementary role in the networks.
Furthermore, accessibility and user-friendliness of social networking make it easier to start and strengthen the regional dialogue. The implementation and completion of major projects in Asia like the development of Chabahar Port in Iran and Gwadar Port in Pakistan, international north-south Transport Corridor (INSTC), the Belt and Road initiative and many similar projects will benefit all Asian countries and will result in regional prosperity.
Professional media can provide elites, the statesmen, researchers and ordinary people with necessary information and will support their projects. Of course, any development project has its own opponents.
Some countries outside Asia are not willing to see Asian projects finished for economic and political purposes.
Negative propaganda against Asian projects by the media of those countries, especially I think in the US, has its roots in that unwillingness. Professional media in Asia need to counter their destructive efforts of such negative propaganda through preparation, timely distribution of information and promotion of transparency.
Today, we have no choice, but to create a broad alliance among Asian media in order to promote our common interests and achieve our common goals.
Thank you very much for your attention!
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