The report added that the overall number of Iranian households was 24,196,035, with a 3.3 persons overall average household size.
In the Urban areas, the average number of people per household was 3.3 persons, and the number in the rural areas was 3.4.
The average population growth of the country between 1390-1395 (Persian calendar) was estimated as 1.24 (955,320 each year), with the Southern Khorasan and Bushehr Provinces at the top, and Hamdedan and The Northern Khorasan Provinces at the bottom of the table, according to the report.
Based on the newest census, literacy rate among population aged 6 and older is 90.9 percent and in the population aged 10-49, the rate has reached to 94.7 percent with the biggest growth seen in 1390-1395.
With 16.6 and 0.73 percent of the total population, Tehran and Ilam are the most and the least populated provinces of the country, respectively.
48.4 percent of the participants in the recent census contributed via the Internet, which shows a significant record, and resulted in a 120 bn rials cost saving, a 50 percent decrease in the human force involved, and improving the census culture in Iran.