Baligh-ur-Rehman made the remarks while addressing the closing ceremony of two-day National Conference on 'Persian Language Challenges and Future Prospects' in Islamabad.
The conference was held in collaboration with the Iran Cultural Consulate, Iranian Embassy, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamic Culture and Relations Organisation, and Iran-Pakistan Institute of Persian Studies.
Baligh-ur-Rehman shed light on the significance of Persian language with regard to promotion of cultural harmony. He said that Persian held a vital status in regional as well as religious perspectives, adding that a huge treasure of knowledge and wisdom was preserved in Persian.
He said that Pakistan accorded great importance to its relations with Iran, since the two countries shared historic, religious and cultural bonds. “Our bilateral relations demand an emphasis on promotion of Persian.'
Ambassador of Iran to Pakistan Mehdi Honardoost said the Persian and Urdu languages have rich historical background, and this is common factor in the development of cooperation between the two countries.
'Persian language is the language of mystics, poets and scholars, and it is our duty to work to educate future and present generations to teach Persian creative though based on Islamic and human values.'
Cultural Counsellor of the Iran Embassy Shahaboddin Daraei expressing also said that since the ancient times Iran and the Muslims of sub-continent have been tied in the eternal bond of friendship.
He noted the Persian language holds a very important place in the society of Pakistan.
In his remarks, HEC Chairman Mukhtar Ahmed stressed the need for reading history to know how the ancestors of Muslims spread knowledge across the world through their research and theoretical findings.
Mukhtar said that Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, Turkey and other Muslim countries would soon start working on collaborative programmes focused on the prosperity of the Muslim world.
HEC Executive Director Arshad Ali said that the importance of languages, especially Persian, cannot be denied particularly in developing countries.
He said that Persian language had its own significance, as it had a role to play in the understanding of Islam and added that HEC would ensure all possible support to all efforts of promoting Persian in the country.
“We will consider awarding a big number of Masters and PhD scholarships to Pakistani students to study in Iranian universities,” he said.
Iqbal Saqib presented the communique agreed upon by the conference participants. The communique emphasised joint efforts to promote Persian language and use it as a tool to further strengthen relations between Pakistan and Iran.
It also stressed the need for academic measures to facilitate Persian students and scholars. It termed government patronage of joint research on Persian a need of the hour. It urged the Persian teachers to extend their services for promotion of academic relations between the two countries.
At the end, Saadi-Iqbal Awards 2017 were distributed among the teachers and instructors of Persian language who devoted their lives to the promotion of Persian language.
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