The course will be hosted by Tarbiat Modarres University in the presence of Iranian and German universities.
A Tarbiat-e Modarres faculty member in development and planning field said that the event aimed at developing scientific and international cooperation with foreign universities.
Sajjad Faraji Dizaji said his university was selected from among a number of other Iranian academic centers to contribute in a plan by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to develop relations between universities from the two countries.
On the summer school plans, he added that for the first week, 12 students in masters and PhD levels together with four faculty members from the Philipp University of Marburg will have a trip to Iran and we will hold technical scientific panels, lectures, discussions, scientific exchange and question and answer in the presence of the professors of Tehran University, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tarbiat Modares University, the Philipp University of Marburg and Iranian and foreign students.
He reminded visiting some organizations related to economic policies and energy like Statistical Center of Iran, Central Bank, Department of Environment to be familiarized with officials and executive organizations and also visiting Isfahan and Abyaneh as the second week's plan.