Referring to deeply rooted scientific, educational and cultural cooperation between the two countries, Farhadi said some six thousand Iranian university students are now studying in Germany.
Based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the two sides, Iranian PhD students will spend their sabbatical studies in one of Germany’s high education centers.
A four-member delegation is to visit Germany in the coming months to implement the already signed MoU between the two sides, Farhadi said.
German ambassador for his part said Germany believes implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has created an ideal opportunity to broaden scientific cooperation between the two countries.
'You should be quite confident that Germany will fully back implementation of the JCPOA and is to spare no efforts to persuade other signing countries to make use of such opportunity,' German ambassador said.
The first educational MoU on vocational training was signed between Iran and other countries in 1907 and Germany is now determined to bolster and broaden such scientific cooperation more than before, he said.
Germany is ready to transfer its experiences in the field to help increase level of Iranian students, he said.
Iranian scientists working at German higher education centers are regarded as top scientific figures in the world, he said, voicing support for expansion of Islamic sciences and Iranology in German higher education centers.