In an exclusive interview with a group of IRNA staffers on the sidelines of the 23rd Press Exhibition here at Imam Khomeini Mosalla on Monday, Director General of the Foreign Media Department of Iran's Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad Jafar Safi said to attain the goal, the media department is to swap six-media people group for six days to other countries while hosting similar group from the countries of the hosts.
Iranian news agencies are to sign memorandum of understanding (MoU) or sisterhood agreement with foreign news agencies, he said.
Media diplomacy is to ease contacts with foreign media mainly the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) which enjoy more strength and capabilities in handling such affairs, he said.
The country's publicity campaign should focus on promotion and introduction of Iran's culture and civilization in world dominant languages such as Russian, Safi said.
Iran is now regarded as cultural and artistic hub in the region and it is among duties of the media to demonstrate this aspect of the country in order to indicate that Iran is the cradle of culture and arts, he said.
Changing others' views with regard to Iran is among duties and responsibilities of the media to truly demonstrate the country's cultural and artistic aspects to other countries, he said.
'We are to invite senior editors from various countries to come to Iran while dispatching Iranian mediapersons overseas to ease exchange of cultural and arts groups,' he said.
He also underlined the role of setting up workshops and short-term courses to help increase knowledge and performance of the Iranian mediapersons in short-term and long-run, he said.
The role of the private sector in attaining such goals is undeniable; he said, adding that early steps to this end are underway.
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