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Iran-Arab World Cultural Dialogue Conference ends in Qom

The participants in a statement underlined the role of rationality and moderation in resolving implications and challenges facing the Islamic world and significance and continuation of dialogue among the Iranian and Arab elites.

They also called for promoting convergence among the Islamic Ummah.

The statement also highlighted the need for promotion of the culture of dialogues with a focus on rationality and moderation in the social and cultural spheres and making optimal use of capacities of the Islamic states' civil institutes in the domain of rationality and moderation.

The statement also proposed the establishment of 'Assembly of Scientific and Cultural Dialogues Among Iran-Arab Elites and Thinkers' to prepare the way for regular and constructive dialogue between the Iranian and Arab thinkers. Qom will host the secretariat of the assembly.

Head of the Research Center for Islamic Sciences and Culture, Hojjatoleslam Najaf Lakzaei told the inaugural ceremony that over 100 people participated in the specialized panels of the conference.
The conference, attended by 85 Arab elites from over 10 Arab states, opened in Qom on January 21 and its closing ceremony will be hosted by Mashhad on January 24.


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