The objects comprised of clay objects, metal, glass, ring, necklace, seal, arrow head, head spear, spindle head, beads and so on, which are unparalleled in their kind and are indicative of the powerful state administration and warfare skill of the Parthians.
In the catacombs most recently discovered by the archaeologists, two burials, including an adult human being and a child, two clay dishes, a broken container, a piped container and 11 eggs were found. This is just one of the 60 catacombs that have been explored while it has been predicted that there might be 250 catacombs in the area.
As for the cultural sequence of the area and whether there had been any settlement there prior to the Parthians or after them, he said: “Before the Parthians we do not know what had happened, but after the Parthians up to the Islamic era, especially the Safavid, we have managed to follow up and found out the Islamic cemetery in this area,' Head of archeological team Abdolmotaleb Sharifi said. Sharifi went on to say that the Parthians were skillful in state administration and in the warfare, adding: “The Parthians had feudal government, the same system which is currently in place in the US, Russia, Germany and so on. On the other hand, the guerrilla warfares that the allied forces used against the allies in the World War II had been inspired by the fighting method of the Parthians.'
Due to the calcareous nature of the mountain bed and soil chalky nature of the slope as well as the direct influence on the dispersion of the skeleton most of the skeletons have been shattered and their transfer from the location is a hard job. Therefore, some of the samples which in the opinion of the anthropologists of the group are appropriate for study have been transferred and the remaining is left there, he added.
The material of the discovered objects is of ceramic, metal, glass, tar, stone, ring, necklaces, seal, the head of the spear, beads and so on and the ceramic objects include pottery, beads and spindle head, he said.
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