Home / Culture / Austrian envoy: New chapter in Tehran, Vienna ties

Austrian envoy: New chapter in Tehran, Vienna ties

Addressing the inauguration ceremony of Pol (Bridge) Exhibition in Shiraz late on Saturday, he added that Austria has always mentioned Iran as a regional power and bilateral ties have a history of 500 years.

Referring to the development of Iran-Austria relations, he said that the first correspondence between the two countries took place in the Safavid era after which Iranian officials embarked on trips to Austria.

Pol exhibition reviewes personality of the world-known Iranian mystic poet Khajeh Shamseddin Mohammad Hafez Shirazi from the viewpoint of the Austrian orientalist Hammer-Purgstall.

The ambassador said the bridge the Austrian scholar created between Iran and Austria by translating Hafez' poems introduced the poet's anthology to the Europeans.

Translation of the book in Europe helped forge good relations between the Muslims and Christians, Stift said.

He also hoped that Austrian relations with Iran would further improve in different areas.



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