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Army cmdr.: Army's defensive doctrine is deterrent

Iran never launche any attack and minds to defend the country's independence, territorial integrity and values of the Islamic Revolution, he said.

'If our revolutionary values, independence, territorial integrity are threatened, we will respond irrespective of geographical boundaries,' he said.

Iran avoids adopting war mongering policies or dominating other territories but this does not mean that the country ignores to enhance its defense capabilities, he said.

Iran is now well prepared to give a crushing response to any aggressor, Pourdastan said.

Iranian forces are now monitoring any movement of enemy's fighter planes in Saudi, UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait airbases and even their destroyers in the Persian Gulf, Mediterranean and Black Sea, he said.

The Iranian armed forces are boosting their combat readiness in proportion to the enemies' movements and thanks to the endeavor of Iranian youths, the country's defense industry has produced numerous weapons, he said.

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