Seyyed Ali Motevalli explained the details of the news, adding that this morning, during a series of intelligence operations and after police forces were suspicious of a trailer on the Zahedan road linking Kerman, the trailer was stopped on judicial order.
The judiciary official said, “After checking the car, it was found that smugglers had skillfully packed the narcotics to place it on the trailer floor.'
The preliminary investigation from the defendant shows that the heavy cargo was loaded from Sistan and Baluchestan Province to be carried to Tehran, which, with the police officers' vigilance and the timely action of the judiciary, the smugglers failed to execute their plan.
He stated that the arrested defendant is from Tabriz and the case was sent to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Revolutionary Court of Bam to continue the proceedings.
Kerman Province due to geographical location and adjacent provinces along borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan is the drug transit to other provinces.
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