The signing ceremony was attended by Secretary-General of Iran’s Supreme Council for Science, Research and Technology Vahid Ahmadi and Managing Director of the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) Prof. Wolfgang Knoll.
Ahmadi heading an Iranian delegation travelled to Austria on Monday (March 6).
The Austrian professor expressed that his institute is interested in having strong interaction with the Iranian universities and institutions in the areas of technology, innovation, science and industry.
Austria is willing to make technological investment in Iran, said Knoll adding Iran is Austria’s target country.
For his part, the Iranian official said Tehran and Vienna have been enjoying friendly cooperation based on mutual respect for the past two centuries.
Austria, Ahmadi said, is one of Iran’s four target countries in scientific and technological fields in Europe.
About Iran’s Supreme Council for Science, Research and Technology, Ahmadi said the center manages scientific and technological activities in the country.
He further referred to Iran’s good records of universities, research centers and knowledge-based companies that all indicate the country’s enormous technological and scientific capabilities in the world, particularly in the West Asia region and the World of Islam.
Pointing to the important role Iran plays in the Technology Park network of the Islamic countries, Ahmadi said Iran can create a strong interaction between the Islamic nations and Europe.