The conference program itself was a controversial document:
For several decades, Wahhabism has infiltrated society in both East and West with the manifest objective of imposing itself as the sole moral and Islamic reference. The spread of Wahhabism results in divisions among Muslims, the elimination of non-Muslim minorities, rejection of the West, hatred, violence and conflict.
How has such an extremist, minority and archaic ideology succeeded in growing so quickly? None of this would have been possible without its instrumentalization by a family dynasty that has taken over a state and devoted its resources to exporting this
regressive and bellicose vision of Islam: Saudi Arabia. Western elites, accomplices or clients of this monarchy, are turning a blind eye to its actions that are undermining the foundations of their societies.
The conference aimed to put a spotlight on the role of Wahhabi ideology in the birth and expansion of takfiri terrorism (Muslim-on-Muslim terrorism), outlining its objectives, practices and networks while denouncing its supporters and the passivity of Western governments.
The conference consisted of two round table discussions:
“An Archaic and Harmful Ideology: The Dissemination of Fundamentalism and Hatred” covered the international dissemination of radical ideology and the role of Wahhabi schools in promoting extremism worldwide, with particular emphasis on the influence of Wahhabism in suburban zones throughout France.
“An Ideology at the Service of a State: Export of War and Terrorism” revealed the direct and indirect funding of terrorism, described how Wahhabism is the source of conflict in the Middle East and exposed the naïvety and complicity of Western governments with respect to the Al-Saud family while at the same time combating Wahhabi-inspired terrorism.