Home / Culture / Iran knowledge-based company to grant $65,000 aid to Muslim scientists

Iran knowledge-based company to grant $65,000 aid to Muslim scientists

The second panel of the 5th STEP summit in the Islamic countries was held Wednesday at the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) at Karachi University in Pakistan.

Jackie Yi-Ru Ying, the winner Mustafa's (2015) Award is presiding over the second panel of the fifth session of STEP.

At the meeting, the CEO of a knowledge-based Iranian company Seyyed Mohammad Nourbakhsh in an explanation of the $ 65,000 grant noted, 'During this round of STEP summit, we have allocated $ 65,000 to laboratories equipment of those scientists who are offering proposals.'

They will be trained during the three days that the meeting will be held, and eventually 10 scholars will be selected to equip their labs for research.


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