Addressing the closing session of the 43rd Executive Boards Meeting of Organization of Asia-Pacific News agencies (OANA) in Tehran, Zia Hashemi, Manager General of Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) said cooperation is the key to create opportunities out of plethora of challenges the organization is facing today.
The full text of his closing speech is as follows:
Mr. President of OANA,
Secretary General,
Distinguished executive board members,
And dear colleagues,
I am very pleased that we had a productive meeting with presence and contribution of executive board members, and the technical and ethical committees of Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA). I hope that the result of the discussions in Tehran contribute to the realization of the dignified goals of OANA in the future. I am sure that with our efforts it will do so.
As it was evident in the speeches of the dignified colleagues at the meeting today, and in the bilateral and multilateral talks, as well as the reports of the respective countries of the excusive board members and the technological and ethical committees, our organization is facing plethora of challenges and we hope that in cooperation with all members we can use our potentials to successfully respond to them, and turn them into opportunities, if possible.
I would like to appreciate OANA president and secretary general for managing the influential regional organization over the past three years, and their kind cooperation in holding Tehran meeting. I would like to offer my special thanks to all the members for their meaningful and effective participation in the discussions.
Certainly, swift and appropriate implementation of the executive and technical issues raised at Tehran meeting can facilitate professional cooperation among the OANA members in the future.
I wish a successful term for our colleagues in South Korean News Agency Yonhap that will assume OANA presidency, and I express my gratitude to them for informing the executive board at Tehran meeting on their main agenda for the next general assembly to be held in Seoul in 2019.
Given that a number of participating members on the sidelines of the meeting have suggested with goodwill that the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) assume OANA presidency following South Korea, I would like to announce IRNA candidacy for the important responsibility. The decision will officially be submitted to OANA Secretariat by the next general assembly.
I would like to seize the opportunity to offer my appreciation to my colleagues at IRNA news, technical and executive departments for their contribution to successfully holing the 43rd meeting of the OANA executive board in Tehran, particularly to Iranian Minister of Culture and president of IRNA general assembly for attending and addressing the meeting.
Once again, I would like to thank you all for your active participation in the executive, technical and ethical board meeting today, hoping you have enjoyed staying in Iran, and wishing you a safe, pleasant journey returning home.
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