Bin Gharineh made the remarks Monday in an exclusive interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) commenting on the reasons behind US administration’s enmity with Iran and withdrawal from nuclear deal.
The US administration considers independent countries and the Axis of Resistance as an obstacle to its plans in the region, he said.
To achieve its goals in the region, the US is trying to keep dictators in power and is also after creating rift and division among Muslims and Arab people by dividing Shia, and Sunni Muslims and Christians, the former Algerian minister noted.
Turning the Zionist regime of Israel into a regional power is among the US aims, Bin Gharineh said.
Unfortunately, some Arab countries toe the US and the Zionists' line, he said adding that they know Axis of Resistance is a big impediment to their plans.
They are attempting to lunch smear propaganda campaign against Iran to prove that Iran’s programs are not Islamic and the country is seeking dominance over Arab and Islamic World.
The US, Israel and Persian Gulf littoral states are after implementing their plans, removing Resistance and putting pressure on supporters of Resistance and enemies of dictators.
They tend to destroy Islamic Resistance in southern Lebanon and Palestine, he reiterated.
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