'US Congress is facing a major historical test as a result of Trump's action,' chairman of the Majlis (Parliament) National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi said on Saturday.
'Violation of the Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), by Washington in different occasions, is a strong indication that the world cannot trust the United States,' Boroujerdi.
US should know that Iran today is more capable than the past in the area of nuclear technology, said the Iranian Member of Parliament, stressing that if Iran decides to continue on this path, it will go faster than the past, he said.
He went on to say that Iran is the only country which is committed to the Non-proliferation Treaty and based on a fatwa by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution which bans any use or development of such weapons, it is not after having access to such armaments.
In reaction to Trump's Friday baseless accusations against Iran alleging that the country is a supporter of terrorism, the parliamentarian said the world today is well aware that the US is the main factor behind bombarding and imposing wars on other countries including Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen in order to promote its lucrative arms trade.
To do away with the criticisms it faces, the US has to divert the public attention from the realities, Boroujerdi said.
Washington plays a game of blames on independent countries like Iran to mislead the public attention, he said.
As everybody knows, it was the United States that promoted the terrorist groups of al Qaeda and Daesh (ISIS), he said.
Accusing Iran of supporting terrorism and creating instability in the region is just a game of blames, Boroujerdi said, stressing that the main supporter of the sinister phenomenon of terrorism is the US itself.
Trump through his Friday address did reveal new strategy on Iran, stressing US 'decertifies' 2015 nuclear deal.
The US Congress is to decide about the issue in 60 days.
JCPOA is an international deal which even the American republicans have described it as an effective agreement. They believe that if the US withdraws from the deal, it will be isolated.
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