Ahead of FM Zarif’s trip to Georgia, Akbar Ghasemi wrote a note, which was published in leading Georgian Resonance newspaper and Interpress news agency, reviewing the latest regional developments and mutual relations as well as the impact of the visit.
He wrote: The Iranian foreign minister is embarking on a regional tour to the Republic of Azerbaijan, Russia, Armenia, Georgia and Turkey in a bid to hold multilateral negotiations with regional players, which is a milestone in creating significant developments in line with strengthening peace and security in the region. The initiative could also help restore development and prosperity for the people of the region in the current international situation.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has been one of the first states, which recognized independence, governance and territorial integrity of Georgia in 1992. Tehran has spared no efforts in supporting the state-building process of the friendly country.
After nearly three decades of amicable ties, Georgia and Iran signed more than 70 agreements and memoranda of understanding, including in political, cultural, economic, scientific, defense and security arenas.
Now, regional countries are facing new political scene, which is stemming from recent developments in particular in the Caucasus region following the 44-day conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over their long-term dispute on Karabakh; so, the current situation needs more convergence, cooperation and negotiation among the regional countries, especially Georgia and Iran, to create new atmosphere for bilateral exchanges in the fields of transportation and energy.
Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran could form a 1+3 group and turn it into a 3+3 group following the joining of Russia and Turkey in order to increase periodic negotiations on regional issues to bring about sustainable development in the region.
It is absolutely obvious that such bilateral and multilateral consultations will pave the ground for peaceful coexistence and the upgrade of the lifestyle of the people of the region.
Progress of all countries of the Caucasus region, focus on intra-region potentials and avoidance of adopting costly strategies would push the region towards the path of flourishing and boost of constructive structure. Authorities of both Georgia and Iran could discuss problems and obstacles in the way of expansion of trade.
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