"The US wages #EconomicTerrorism on Iran, has conducted covert action against us & now encroaches on our territory," Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote in his Twitter account on Thursday.
He added: "We don't seek war, but will zealously defend our skies, land & waters."
"We'll take this new aggression to #UN & show that the US is lying about international waters," he reiterated.
At the early hours of Thursday, the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) air force shot down an American spy drone, identified as RQ-4 Global Hawk, that had violated Iranian airspace in the Kuh Mubarak (Mubarak Mountain) region located at Hormuzgan province, south of the country, the IRGC’s public relations department said in a statement.
RQ-4s typically fly at high altitude to conduct reconnaissance missions.
Tensions between Iran and the US increased following US breach of the nuclear deal and re-imposing wrongful sanctions in total disregard of the UN Security Council Resolution 2231.
Earlier, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi strongly condemned the US spy drone's violation of Iranian airspace, and warned against violations of Iran’s frontage.
Protesting against aggressive and provocative acts, Abbas Mousavi warned against illegal entrance of any foreign flying object and violating Iran’s frontage, saying aggressors will be responsible for it.
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