He made the remark while addressing the second day of the 5th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) meeting held as via video-conference on Thursday.
Pointing to the special conditions across the world due the COVID19 pandemic and said this widespread disease too, like terrorism, massive migrations, narcotics and poverty will have extensive global impacts.
On the other hand, he said, world development indicate that the humanity is going through a phase of transition for which no precise date is predictable.
This makes all traditional norms and structures ruling the international circles to make and strengthen multilateral and organized mechanisms based on justice and observations of rights all humans a necessity for the today life.
Outlining the present situation of anti-COVID19 combat by world countries, he said the US rulers are remaining indifferent to the fate of its citizens and trying to focus only on their own interests and benefits instead of joining global efforts to create a unified challenge.
He also pointed to the economic and social impact of the pandemic on world peoples and there is strong belief that international organizations like the United Nations have failed to fulfill their inherent mission of establishing peace, security and development in the world.
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