Zakharova also welcomed the third meeting of Iran-Russia Media Cooperation Committee.
Kazemi and Zakharova also discussed issues such as regional developments, Nagorno-Karabakh dispute between Azerbaijan an Armenia, US presidential elections, and mutual cooperation in the field of culture and media.
The second meeting of the Iran-Russia Media Cooperation Committee was held on December 9, 2019 in Moscow in the presence of the Iranian ambassador to the Russian Federation, deputy ministers of Culture and Islamic Guidance along with a number of media representatives in both countries.
The two sides discussed the achievements of the agreements reached at the first meeting of the Media Cooperation Committee.
An agreement on media cooperation was also signed by the Iranian and Russian media committees between former IRNA chief Mohammad Khoddadi and Alexei Konstantinovich Velin, deputy ministers of Islamic Culture and Guidance of Iran and Russia's Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Communication.
Earlier on Wednesday, Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali said that Iranian relations with Russia are satisfactory and of great importance for the two countries.
The relations should be strengthened on a daily basis, said Jalali speaking to IRNA.
Urging the media in both countries to try to strengthen the relations, he said that IRNA, TASS, and Segodnya have close ties.
Segodnya consists of RIA Novosti, Sputnik, Russia Today, and RT360.
He added that IRNA and the mentioned Russian media have signed a memorandum of understanding and exchange news outputs and photos, adding that Managing Director of IRNA Mohammad-Reza Noroozpour and the head of TASS Sergei Mikhailov are due to have a webinar in the near future.
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