Dastmalchian made the remarks in an exclusive interview with IRNA.
The US secretary of state has noted that Washington will not cut relations with Riyadh but will revise relations with Saudi Arabia within the framework of the US national interests, the former ambassador said.
He said that today Saudi Arabia and the US have more icy relations than ever.
The publication of a report about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi and declassifying the case were a clear negative signal for bin Salman, Dastmalchian said.
He said that Saudi Arabia has no longer has that status to the United States it enjoyed so far.
“The relations between Riyadh and Washington used to be based on providing security in exchange for oil while this deal is of no significance for the US now as the oil market has become oversupplied and the US has turned into a main exporter of the Shale oil.”
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