Home / Sports / President Rouhani offers regret over recent tragedies in Iran

President Rouhani offers regret over recent tragedies in Iran

"The tragedy of the stampede at Gen. Soleimani's funeral in Kerman and the crash of a Ukrainian passenger plane in Tehran that killed numerous Iranians, including a group of students, as well as other nationalities, deeply saddens all Iranians. May they rest in peace," Rouhani tweeted on Wednesday.

Some 147 passengers on board of the crashed Boeing 737 plane were Iranians and 32 passengers were foreigners.

All 179 passengers died when a Ukrainian Boeing 737 plane crashed in southern Tehran Wednesday morning after its engine caught fire.

Earlier, Lieutenant General Soleimani and the acting commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) - known as the Hashd al-Shaabi - Abu Mahdi Al-Mohandis, separately leaving Baghdad airport in two cars were targeted and assassinated on Friday upon the instruction of the US President Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, some of the Iranian mourners were killed and injured in the city of Kerman while they were paying their respect to brave Iranian commander.


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