Home / Sports / Persian carpet, unrivaled best seller in Lebanon

Persian carpet, unrivaled best seller in Lebanon

"Avedis Guidanian" In an interview with  IRNA correspondent Beirut added: "Despite the sanctions, Iran continues to be the first in the carpet and carpet industry, and some Iranian businessmen are exporting carpets to Lebanon, the goods that are welcomed here and have their buyers.

"Carpet is a commodity that Iran can kill in the world, as well as other industrial, agricultural and medical commodities that have made great progress, and even this development is significant compared to the developed countries of the world.

In the case of tourism relations between Lebanon and Iran, Guidanian said that tourism ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran are limited to the relations between the private sector of two countries and tourism and transportation companies. Of course, these companies create incentives for tourism between the two countries.

He added: "There is no direct relationship between the ministries of the two countries in the tourism sector, but I was invited to Iran to attend the tenth exhibition of tourism, where they met with many officials of the tourism sector, Time has come.

Lebanon's Minister of Tourism, said  that Lebanon and Iran were particularly well versed in the field of tourism before the Syria war, and large collections of Iranians who traveled to Syria for pilgrimage to the holy and religious sites also landed on land in Lebanon, but the number of Iranian tourists in Lebanon has declined much since the Syrian war because of the impossibility of traveling to this country.

Persian carpet has been considered as a sublime embodiment of timeless beauty and elegance over thousands of years in human history and it has constantly evolved into a more elegant artistic creation throughout its existence.

*** Iran's great attention to religious minorities, especially Armenians

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran will help Armenians to rebuild and repair all religious places, for example, the Iranian government has offered special assistance to repair the old Armenian Church and other churches, and along with some of my brothers in the Islamic Republic of Iran I have visited some churches in this field.

He stressed that the level of interest of the Islamic Republic to the religious minorities, especially Armenians, is very high and Armenians of Iran have two representatives in parliament, and the Armenians themselves in Iran also emphasize that they are respected in Iran and they have their own place that this We are very positive and positive.


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