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Palestinian leader terms US as main enemy

Speaking to IRNA, Abu Daqqa said the US is now playing the role that the Zionist regime is implementing.

We believe that the US has taken a hostile stance against Palestinians so Washington is considered as enemy and denier of Palestinians’ rights.

By pressuring the international community, the US is trying to violate its commitments with regard to international regulations, he noted.

Palestinians’ message on the occasion of 72nd anniversary of Nakba Day is that they will continue fighting.

Palestinians now urge the international community and all countries to support Palestinian people’s rights and international resolutions, he noted.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Abu Daqqa underlined ending internal disputes among Palestinian groups and returning to national unity in line with fighting occupiers’ conspiracies.

May 15, 1948 is a reminder of compulsory migration of millions of Palestinians from their motherland following military attacks of Zionist forces supported by the British and US governments.  

The Zionist forces attacked 774 cities and villages, occupying 80 percent of the Palestinian soil after killing nearly 15,000 Muslim and Christian civilians. Those who survived were forced to migrate to the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the neighboring countries such as Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.

Displacement of Palestinians followed the formation of the first Zionist centers at an 1897 congress in Basel, Switzerland and the transfer of Palestinian guardianship to Britain and the subsequent issuance of the Balfour Declaration by the then British Foreign Secretary.


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