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Lawmaker: Detained Iranian scientist’s return confirmed

Referring to Monday meeting of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, rapporteur of Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, Hossein Naqavi-Hosseini quoted the Chairman of the commission Mojtaba Zolnouri as saying that some of the Iranian citizens have been arrested by arrogant powers, especially Americans, on various pretexts.

He added that Asgari’s wife was also invited to attend the meeting but due to her disease, she could not participate.

He also quoted Iranian foreign ministry representative as saying some other Iranians has also been arrested in the US or other countries.

He added that Intelligence Ministry representative also presented a report on the US’ hostile approach against Iranian nationals.

Americans also take advantage of other intelligence systems with this regard.

Asgari is a professor of metallurgy at Sharif University, Tehran, who was detained in the US and has been kept in Alexandria prison since March 10 though he suffers from acute respiratory disease. 

He was charged with stealing the US Navy secrets and violating visa regulations of the US.

Earlier, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a message on his Twitter account accused the United States of taking several Iranian scientists hostage at the time of COVID-19 disease and refusing to grant them medical leave even during the coronavirus outbreak.

"Even when its OWN courts reject the absurd charges the US even refuses medical furlough—amid #covid19—for innocent men jailed in horrific facilities. Release our men,” he added.


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