According to the IRNA Science and Universities Desk, the science minister who was speaking for The 3rd International Virtual Congress of the University of Jondishapur from his office at the Science Ministry reiterated: The constructive role and status of the University of Jondishapur’s scientific heritage has played a direct and clear role in shape-taking of the concept of modern universities in the world ever since the 18th century and that role is still played today.
“The major concept of commitment to the scientific progress is an exalted notion in advancement of the world civilization and the ancient University of Jondishapur has played a decisive role in this respect. In University of Jondishapur respecting cultural diversity, the human beings’ prestige, refraining from aggression, prejudice and scientific totalitarianism were among the most important major concepts, and they were all recorded in the Letter of Association of that ancient university, and always observed there,” said Dr. Gholami.
He reiterated that those conditions in comparison with the current status of the global community, in which scientific gap among nations and scientific totalitarianism of some world powers is clearly seen reveals the grandeur of the founders of University of Jondishapur.
According to the science minister, the concept of sharing scientific achievements is a modern concept and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has always emphasized the need for long term observation of that concept, which was one of the characteristics of the University of Jondishapur.
The 3rd International Virtual Congress of the University of Jondishapur in which the 1,750th year of establishment of that ancient university is commemorated was held on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 and the opening address of the conference was given by President Hassan Ruhani. The two-day conference will end on Wednesday evening of March 10.
The Academy of Gondishapur (, also known as the Gondishapur University, was one of the three Sasanian centers of education (Ctesiphon, Resaina, Gundeshapur) and academy of learning in the city of Gundeshapur, Iran, during late antiquity, the intellectual center of the Sasanian Empire.
It offered education and training in medicine, philosophy, theology and science. The faculty were versed in Persian traditions. According to The Cambridge History of Iran, it was the most important medical center of the ancient world during the 6th and 7th centuries.
Under the Pahlavi dynasty, the heritage of Gondeshapur was memorialized by the founding of the Jondishapur University and its twin institution Jondishapur University of Medical Sciences, near the city of Ahvaz in 1955.
After the 1979 Islamic Revolution Jondishapur University was renamed to Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz in 1981 in honor of Martyr Mostafa Chamran.
It has been renamed again as Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences recently.
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