Home / Sports / Jahangiri: Rejection of US resolution by UN Security Council failure of US unilateralism

Jahangiri: Rejection of US resolution by UN Security Council failure of US unilateralism

Addressing a meeting on family-related issues late on Saturday, he referred to problems arising from sanctions, saying that what is most important in this situation is to promote social tolerance in the face of pressures and that the family is the institution that can be most effective and decisive to increase resistance of society.

Elsewhere in his speech, Jahangiri said that though the US officials knew that it would not be able to make the representatives of the UN Security Council member states acquiesce their anti-Iran provocative resolution, but, they presented their proposed resolution to the Security Council to the extend Iran arms embargo.

Since Trump came to power, the US has always tried to make the Iranian business environment unsafe for foreign investors, he said.


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