During the meeting, foreign minister's advisor in Europe affairs condemned the statements and expressed Iran's protests over the stances adopted regarding the terrorist attack.
Explaining contradiction of US terror attack with the basics of the international laws as well as Iraq's sovereignty, as acknowledged by the world's legal experts, he said that in the eyes of the Iranian people and government such stances constitute accompaniment to the US terrorist act and are in no way justifiable and acceptable.
With such stances, Britain can be considered an accomplice to the crime, he reiterated.
Referring to huge funeral processions held in Iraq and Iran for Lieutenant General Soleimani and the other heroes of fight against Daesh who played a crucial role in uprooting the terrorist group from the region, the official said that the Iranian nation will never forgive those accompanying the US in the terror attack.
He called on the ambassador to convey Iran's protest message to London officials.
UK ambassador said that his government believes that raising tensions in the region are not in the interest of anybody, urging further self-restraint under current sensitive situation.
He said that he will send the message to the capital at the earliest.
General Soleimani, the commander of Quds Force of Iran's IRGC and Abu Mahdi Al-Mohandes, the acting commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) were in separate cars at Baghdad airport when the US carried targeted airstrike to assassinate them on Friday morning.
Millions of Iranians all around the country took to the streets on Sunday and Monday to condemn the terror act of the US. They took to streets holding the pictures of the martyred General Soleimani and flags of Iran, chanting "Down with the US" and "Down with Israel".
The Supreme Leader has called for proportionate military action against the US interests in response to heinous crime against Iranian commander on a diplomatic mission to Baghdad.
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