Home / Sports / Iranian mayors urge counterparts across world to help remove cruel sanctions

Iranian mayors urge counterparts across world to help remove cruel sanctions

Nasser Haj-Mohammadi added, "Today, citizens of our city are grappling with coronavirus epidemic and I ask all mayors to help us."

He said "Coronavirus knows no border and all should work for breaking its chain."

"If our city is not cleaned from the virus, we will not be able to overcome it and cut off the chain and will not be able to host people from around the world in the city of Rasht which was designated by UNESCO as 'Creative City of Gastronomy'.

It is duty of all mayors around the world to remind all those behind the sanctions of this, he said, noting, "As long as my city faces this problem, the big cities of the world will never be safe."

Warning his counterparts in New York, Washington DC and cities with over five million population that the virus knows no bound, Haj-Mohammadi called for collective effort to put an end to the threat.

Meanwhile, Mashhad Mayor Mohammad Reza Kalaei in a letter to members of the World Association of the Major Metropolises called for practical measures to ward off threats of cruel sanctions on Iran amid coronavirus outbreak.

He wrote on his Instagram account that in his letter he recalled status of Mashhad in the significant entity and urged them to take practical steps based on the association's charter and targets outlined in Geneva Convention to lift cruel sanctions against Iran which has put lives of thousands of Iranians at risk.

He hoped that the letter would be able to promote international sensitivity towards Mashhad which hosts tens of millions each year and bring about practical measures in line with removing threats of the sanctions.


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