Home / Sports / Iran Youth Soccer Team goal to become champion of Asia

Iran Youth Soccer Team goal to become champion of Asia

Chamanyan said Saturday that the Asian championship at Teens level is also a World Cup qualifier, and from about 50 teams, the 16 qualifying teams from the preliminary qualifying round finished up to the final stage and It makes it hard for all teams.

He said that Asian teams work well in the basic levels and minimize their distance so that no team is weak in the course of the tournament and, given the efforts to gain global quota, the motivation of all teams to reach the goal is very high.

'The Iranian team is also trying to defend its former title, which is the Asian second title and in the past year, after climbing as the lead from the preliminary round to the final stage, we have worked according to the previous plans, and we hope that in the future, along with repeating the success of the past, we are witnessing the good performance from the players.'


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