"How in the world does the US regime being addicted to the infringement of international laws and norms expect ordinary Americans to believe the call for "law and order" ?!," Mousavi wrote on his Twitter account on Sunday.
Mousavi made the remarks in reaction to the report published by the US media Los Angeles Times saying: "President Trump, declaring himself a president of law and order', threatened Monday to deploy 'thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel and law enforcement officers to American cities, claiming governors and local officials had “failed to take necessary action” to end civil unrest."
According to the report, Trump called himself an ally of legitimate protesters, blaming violence and looting on “anarchists.”
This is while, in recent days, American people poured into streets to protest against the death of George Floyd - a black man who was unarmed and died at the hands of police putting pressure on his throat until he choked.
Earlier, some 240 members of Iran's parliament issued a statement on Tuesday, condemning the US police racial terrorism against American people.
"Once again the US police racial terrorism against the defenseless black draw the curtain from the inhumane nature of the United States' regime. George Floyd was only one of the hundreds of African-Americans who are brutally killed every year by the US police," the statement reads.
Noting that "the blacks have been unable to breathe for decades under US racial terrorism", the Iranian MPs went on to say that the videos of George Floyd's killing by the US police made not only the voice of blacks, but the voice of all suppressed Americans be heard saying that "We Can't Breathe".
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