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Iran protests US threat against sailors, tankers

The US measure is against international law, Mohammad Rastad said at an online video call with Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Kitack Lim.

Rastad called on IMO to remind the US officials that their statements are total disregard of the International Law of the Sea.

Although all international communities stress the need to prepare the ground for facilitating global trade and providing fundamental needs in the current critical conditions [due to coronavirus pandemic], Iran is still under the maximum pressure from the United States, said Rastad expressing Iran's protest against such situation.

As he said, the US measures have direct [negative] effect on maritime security worldwide.

Referring to the arrival of five Iranian oil tankers in the Venezuela port to help the friendly nation meet its fuel shortage after the US sanctions against the country, Rastad said Iran's activities have been completely legitimate and based on international regulations.

IMO secretary general, for his part, said he will review the case, although the organization has political limitations.

Lim, further, appreciated measures taken by Iran's PMO since the Dec 2019 outbreak of coronavirus.

He called on Iran for continuing its positive maritime measures in order to be turned into a model for other IMO member countries.

Formed in 1948, IMO with its 174 member countries is responsible for regulating affairs related to shipping.


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